Microsoft Edge Webrtc

Disable WebRTC and prevent IP leak. VPN Extensions can hide your IP address but they cannot prevent IP leaks caused by WebRTC. WebRTC Leak Shield protects you from this security threat. This is a must have Addon for protecting your privacy on the internet. WebRTC (Web Real-Time Communication) is a free, open-source project providing web browsers and mobile applications with real-time communication (RTC) via simple application programming interfaces (APIs).

  1. Microsoft Edge Webrtc
  2. Microsoft Edge Webrtc Support
  3. Microsoft Edge Webrtc Support

Today, I think we can all agree that communication is very interactive. We are not only becoming more visual, but want things FAST, in real-time. Internet Explorer is losing popularity and Microsoft Edge Windows 10 with WebRTC features is gaining much attention.

Here’s why!

In the past, we were reliant solely on vocal and video communications. Several projects and software products were released to provide us the real-time communication with main components being chat, voice, video and screenshare. The main feature in all these products was that each had its own proprietary implementation.

But, today’s society wants and expects the ability to communicate at any given moment. Luckily, in the cloud era, when the browser is the platform base to access all our tools, we are offered visual communication components such as text editors, spreadsheets, email, shared folders, social medias, and more.

Not only do we want the aforementioned additional communication tools, but we want it fast. Like in webRTC (real-time communications over the web) fast and we wan t to use browsers that support webRTC.

The W3C was adopting a solution called WebRTC, it standardizes the support for real-time capabilities in the modern browsers.

Looking the Desktop Browser Market Share Worldwide in the five previous years, it is evident the Chrome become in the number one Browser, and it is followed by Firefox. Please see the below chart:

These browsers are being implemented the support for WebRTC in different stage like:

  • Firefox released the support to WebRTC in Q4, 2011
  • Chrome released the preview WebRTC in January 2012

The above chart shows us the Internet Explorer is losing popularity day-by-day. Maybe, the main reason why IE is losing popularity is that it does not provide any signal support to the ever growing in popularity WebRTC? Again, as a technologically advanced society, we want fast, real-time communication abilities. Features that include voice, video, chat, file and screen share. We want AND expect this in both our personal and business interactions (also why so many businesses are jumping onboard the webRTC bandwagon!)

The chart also shows that Microsoft Edge webRTC is growing in popularity. It is currently is in the fifth position with 3.96% of market share, and with a good tendency to increase. Another point to consider is Windows on a whole has 83.53% of the market Share and Windows 10 is around 25%.

I think, those are the main reasons that Microsoft announced in early 2017 the support of WebRTC in Edge of Windows 10 more concreted from Windows 10 version 15019.

The features included are:

  • WebRTC – WebRTC v1.0 API
  • VP8 for RTC*
  • H.264/AVC for RTC*

*The two bottom points are showing a must in contrast with the two major browsers, and taking the words of Microsoft:

The H.264/AVC and VP8 video codecs are supported in the Microsoft Edge RTC stack, which means video communications are now interoperable between Microsoft Edge and other major WebRTC browsers and RTC services. We have implemented the following congestion control and robustness mechanisms for both H.264/AVC and VP8 video codecs:

  • Support for the absolute send time header extension (abs-send-time)
  • Support for Google Receiver Estimated Maximum Bitrate, “goog-remb”
  • Support for Picture Loss Indication (PLI) and Generic NACK feedback messages, per RFC 4585
  • Support for RTP Retransmission, per RFC 4588

These features are available within both the ORTC API and native WebRTC 1.0 API, so you can make API and video codec decisions independently.

Note that while the Edge H.264/AVC implementation supports hardware offload within both the encoder and decoder, VP8 is implemented purely in software, and as a result may exhibit higher power consumption and CPU load. If your application uses VP8, we recommend testing on lower-end devices to ensure acceptable performance.”

In conclusion, in our current era, when all our tools are in the cloud, our communication tools would not require third party tools to work. Except our favorite browsers, like Microsoft, is working in Edge to include the support of WebRTC.

Ms edge webrtc

Another point to take into account, the interoperability among our favorite browsers, we would not require use the same browser to use the WebRTC tools, those should work perfectly among different browsers

Hopefully, in the near future in different platform, including desktops and mobiles, and in this last platform Android is the king, but, Microsoft is working of the hand of Qualcomm to have best support of Windows 10 in mobile processors.

Our team at can build your custom-designed real-time communications application! Please click here to learn about some of our work and the areas we often serve. Then contact us to discuss your application needs!



You've reached the documentation for Microsoft Edge version 45 and earlier. To see the documentation for Microsoft Edge version 77 or later, go to the Microsoft Edge documentation landing page.

Microsoft Edge is designed with improved security in mind, helping to defend people from increasingly sophisticated and prevalent web-based attacks against Windows. Because Microsoft Edge is designed like a Universal Windows app, changing the browser to an app, it fundamentally changes the process model so that both the outer manager process and the different content processes all live within app container sandboxes.

Microsoft Edge runs in 64-bit not just by default, but anytime it’s running on a 64-bit operating system. Because Microsoft Edge doesn’t support legacy ActiveX controls or 3rd-party binary extensions, there’s no longer a reason to run 32-bit processes on a 64-bit system.

The value of running 64-bit all the time is that it strengthens Windows Address Space Layout Randomization (ASLR), randomizing the memory layout of the browser processes, making it much harder for attackers to hit precise memory locations. In turn, 64-bit processes make ASLR much more effective by making the address space exponentially larger and, therefore, more difficult for attackers to find sensitive memory components.

For more details on the security features in Microsoft Edge, see Help protect against web-based security threats below.

You can find the Microsoft Edge Group Policy settings in the following location of the Group Policy Editor unless otherwise noted in the policy:

Computer ConfigurationAdministrative TemplatesWindows ComponentsMicrosoft Edge

Configure cookies

Supported versions: Microsoft Edge on Windows 10
Default setting: Disabled or not configured (Allow all cookies from all sites)

Microsoft Edge allows all cookies from all websites by default. With this policy, you can configure Microsoft to block only 3rd-party cookies or block all cookies.

Supported values

Microsoft edge won
Group PolicyMDMRegistryDescriptionMost restricted
Enabled00Block all cookies from all sites.
Enabled11Block only cookies from third party websites.
Disabled or not configured
22Allow all cookies from all sites.

ADMX info and settings

ADMX info

  • GP English name: Configure cookies
  • GP name: Cookies
  • GP element: CookiesListBox
  • GP path: Windows Components/Microsoft Edge
  • GP ADMX file name: MicrosoftEdge.admx

MDM settings

  • MDM name: Browser/AllowCookies
  • Supported devices: Desktop and Mobile
  • URI full path: ./Vendor/MSFT/Policy/Config/Browser/AllowCookies
  • Data type: Integer

Registry settings

  • Path: HKLMSoftwarePoliciesMicrosoftMicrosoftEdgeMain
  • Value name: Cookies
  • Value type: REG_DWORD

Configure Password Manager

Supported versions: Microsoft Edge on Windows 10
Default setting: Enabled (Allowed/users can change the setting)

By default, Microsoft Edge uses Password Manager automatically, allowing users to manager passwords locally. Disabling this policy restricts Microsoft Edge from using Password Manager. Don’t configure this policy if you want to let users choose to save and manage passwords locally using Password Manager.

Supported values

Group PolicyMDMRegistryDescriptionMost restricted
Not configuredBlankBlankUsers can choose to save and manage passwords locally.
Disabled0noNot allowed.

Verify not allowed/disabled settings:

  1. Click or tap More (…) and select Settings > View Advanced settings.
  2. Verify the settings Save Password is toggled off or on and is greyed out.

ADMX info and settings

ADMX info

  • GP English name: Configure Password Manager
  • GP name: AllowPasswordManager
  • GP path: Windows Components/Microsoft Edge
  • GP ADMX file name: MicrosoftEdge.admx

MDM settings

  • MDM name: Browser/AllowPasswordManager
  • Supported devices: Desktop and Mobile
  • URI full path: ./Vendor/MSFT/Policy/Config/Browser/AllowPasswordManager
  • Data type: Integer

Registry settings

  • Path: HKLMSoftwarePoliciesMicrosoftMicrosoftEdgeMain
  • Value name: FormSuggest Passwords
  • Value type: REG_SZ

Configure Windows Defender SmartScreen

Supported versions: Microsoft Edge on Windows 10
Default setting: Enabled (Turned on)

Microsoft Edge uses Windows Defender SmartScreen (turned on) to protect users from potential phishing scams and malicious software by default. Also, by default, users cannot disable (turn off) Windows Defender SmartScreen. Enabling this policy turns on Windows Defender SmartScreen and prevent users from turning it off. Don’t configure this policy to let users choose to turn Windows defender SmartScreen on or off.

Supported values

Group PolicyMDMRegistryDescriptionMost restricted
Not configuredBlankBlankUsers can choose to use Windows Defender SmartScreen.
Disabled00Turned off. Do not protect users from potential threats and prevent users from turning it on.
Enabled11Turned on. Protect users from potential threats and prevent users from turning it off.

To verify Windows Defender SmartScreen is turned off (disabled):

  1. Click or tap More (…) and select Settings > View Advanced settings.
  2. Verify the setting Help protect me from malicious sites and download with Windows Defender SmartScreen is disabled.

ADMX info and settings

ADMX info

  • GP English name: Configure Windows Defender SmartScreen
  • GP name: AllowSmartScreen
  • GP path: Windows Components/Microsoft Edge
  • GP ADMX file name: MicrosoftEdge.admx

MDM settings

  • MDM name: Browser/AllowSmartScreen
  • Supported devices: Desktop and Mobile
  • URI full path: ./Vendor/MSFT/Policy/Config/Browser/AllowSmartScreen
  • Data type: Integer

Registry settings

  • Path: HKLMSOFTWAREPoliciesMicrosoftMicrosoftEdgePhishingFilter
  • Value name: EnabledV9
  • Value type: REG_DWORD

Prevent bypassing Windows Defender SmartScreen prompts for files

Supported versions: Microsoft Edge on Windows 10, version 1511 or later
Default setting: Disabled or not configured (Allowed/turned off)

By default, Microsoft Edge allows users to bypass (ignore) the Windows Defender SmartScreen warnings about potentially malicious files, allowing them to continue downloading the unverified file(s). Enabling this policy prevents users from bypassing the warnings, blocking them from downloading of the unverified file(s).

Supported values

Group PolicyMDMRegistryDescriptionMost restricted
Disabled or not configured
00Allowed/turned off. Users can ignore the warning and continue to download the unverified file(s).
Enabled11Prevented/turned on.

ADMX info and settings

ADMX info

  • GP English name: Prevent bypassing Windows Defender SmartScreen prompts for files
  • GP name: PreventSmartScreenPromptOverrideForFiles
  • GP path: Windows Components/Microsoft Edge
  • GP ADMX file name: MicrosoftEdge.admx

MDM settings

  • MDM name: Browser/PreventSmartScreenPromptOverrideForFiles
  • Supported devices: Desktop and Mobile
  • URI full path: ./Vendor/MSFT/Policy/Config/Browser/PreventSmartScreenPromptOverrideForFiles
  • Data type: Integer

Registry settings

  • Path: HKLMSOFTWAREPoliciesMicrosoftMicrosoftEdgePhishingFilter
  • Value name: PreventOverrideAppRepUnknown
  • Value type: REG_DWORD

Prevent bypassing Windows Defender SmartScreen prompts for sites

Supported versions: Microsoft Edge on Windows 10, version 1511 or later
Default setting: Disabled or not configured (Allowed/turned off)

By default, Microsoft Edge allows users to bypass (ignore) the Windows Defender SmartScreen warnings about potentially malicious sites, allowing them to continue to the site. With this policy though, you can configure Microsoft Edge to prevent users from bypassing the warnings, blocking them from continuing to the site.

Supported values

Group PolicyMDMRegistryDescriptionMost restricted
Disabled or not configured
00Allowed/turned off. Users can ignore the warning and continue to the site.
Enabled11Prevented/turned on.

ADMX info and settings

ADMX info

  • GP English name: Prevent bypassing Windows Defender SmartScreen prompts for sites
  • GP name: PreventSmartscreenPromptOverride
  • GP path: Windows Components/Microsoft Edge
  • GP ADMX file name: MicrosoftEdge.admx

MDM settings

  • MDM name: Browser/PreventSmartscreenPromptOverride
  • Supported devices: Desktop and Mobile
  • URI full path: ./Vendor/MSFT/Policy/Config/Browser/PreventSmartscreenPromptOverride
  • Data type: Integer

Registry settings

  • Path: HKLMSOFTWAREPoliciesMicrosoftMicrosoftEdgePhishingFilter
  • Value name: PreventOverride
  • Value type: REG_DWORD

Prevent certificate error overrides

Supported versions: Microsoft Edge on Windows 10, version 1809
Default setting: Disabled or not configured (Allowed/turned off)

Microsoft Edge, by default, allows overriding of the security warnings to sites that have SSL errors, bypassing or ignoring certificate errors. Enabling this policy prevents overriding of the security warnings.

Group PolicyMDMRegistryDescriptionMost restricted
Disabled or not configured
00Allowed/turned on. Override the security warning to sites that have SSL errors.
Enabled11Prevented/turned on.

ADMX info and settings

ADMX info

  • GP English name: Prevent certificate error overrides
  • GP name: PreventCertErrorOverrides
  • GP path: Windows Components/Microsoft Edge
  • GP ADMX file name: MicrosoftEdge.admx

MDM settings

  • MDM name: Browser/PreventCertErrorOverrides
  • Supported devices: Desktop and Mobile
  • URI full path: ./Vendor/MSFT/Policy/Config/Browser/PreventCertErrorOverrides
  • Data type: Integer

Registry settings

  • Path: HKLMSoftwarePoliciesMicrosoftMicrosoftEdgeInternet Setting
  • Value name: PreventCertErrorOverrides
  • Value type: REG_DWORD

Prevent using Localhost IP address for WebRTC

Supported versions: Microsoft Edge on Windows 10, version 1511 or later
Default setting: Disabled or not configured (Allowed/show localhost IP addresses)

By default, Microsoft Edge shows localhost IP address while making calls using the WebRTC protocol. Enabling this policy hides the localhost IP addresses.

Supported values

Group PolicyMDMRegistryDescriptionMost restricted
Disabled or not configured
00Allowed. Show localhost IP addresses.

ADMX info and settings

ADMX info

  • GP English name: Prevent using Localhost IP address for WebRTC
  • GP name: HideLocalHostIPAddress
  • GP path: Windows Components/Microsoft Edge
  • GP ADMX file name: MicrosoftEdge.admx

MDM settings

  • MDM name: Browser/PreventUsingLocalHostIPAddressForWebRTC
  • Supported devices: Desktop
  • URI full path: ./Vendor/MSFT/Policy/Config/Browser/PreventUsingLocalHostIPAddressForWebRTC
  • Data type: Integer

Registry settings

  • Path: HKLMSOFTWAREPoliciesMicrosoftMicrosoftEdgeMain
  • Value name: HideLocalHostIPAddress
  • Value type: REG_DWORD

Help protect against web-based security threats

While most websites are safe, some sites have been intentionally designed to steal sensitive and private information or gain access to your system’s resources. You can help protect against threats by using strong security protocols to ensure against such threats.

Microsoft Edge Webrtc

Thieves use things like phishing attacks to convince someone to enter personal information, such as a banking password, into a website that looks like a legitimate bank but isn't. Attempts to identify legitimate websites through the HTTPS lock symbol and the EV Cert green bar have met with only limited success since attackers are too good at faking legitimate experiences for many people to notice the difference.

Another method thieves often use hacking to attack a system through malformed content that exploits subtle flaws in the browser or various browser extensions. This exploit lets an attacker run code on a device, taking over a browsing session, and perhaps the entire device.

Microsoft Edge Webrtc Support

Microsoft Edge addresses these threats to help make browsing the web a safer experience.

Microsoft Edge Webrtc Support

Windows HelloMicrosoft Edge is the first browser to natively support Windows Hello to authenticate the user and the website with asymmetric cryptography technology, powered by early implementation of the Web Authentication (formerly FIDO 2.0 Web API) specification.
Microsoft SmartScreenDefends against phishing by performing reputation checks on sites visited and blocking any sites that are thought to be a phishing site. SmartScreen also helps to defend against installing malicious software, drive-by attacks, or file downloads, even from trusted sites. Drive-by attacks are malicious web-based attacks that compromise your system by targeting security vulnerabilities in commonly used software and may be hosted on trusted sites.
Certificate Reputation systemCollects data about certificates in use, detecting new certificates and flagging fraudulent certificates automatically, and sends the data to Microsoft. The systems and tools in place include
  • Certificate Reputation system: Protects users from fraudulent certificates.
  • Bing Webmaster Tools (for developers): Reports fake certificates directly to Microsoft.
Microsoft EdgeHTML and modern web standardsMicrosoft Edge uses Microsoft EdgeHTML as the rendering engine. This engine focuses on modern standards letting web developers build and maintain a consistent site across all modern browsers. It also helps to defend against hacking through these security standards features:
  • Support for the W3C standard for Content Security Policy (CSP), which can help web developers defend their sites against cross-site scripting attacks.
  • Support for the HTTP Strict Transport Security (HSTS) security feature (IETF-standard compliant). HSTS helps ensure that connections to important sites, such as to your bank, are always secured.

NOTE: Both Microsoft Edge and Internet Explorer 11 support HSTS.

Code integrity and image loading restrictionsMicrosoft Edge content processes support code integrity and image load restrictions, helping to prevent malicious DLLs from loading or injecting into the content processes. Only properly signed images are allowed to load into Microsoft Edge. Binaries on remote devices (such as UNC or WebDAV) can’t load.
Memory corruption mitigationsMemory corruption attacks frequently happen to apps written in C or C++ don’t provide safety or buffer overflow protection. When an attacker provides malformed input to a program, the program’s memory becomes corrupt allowing the attacker to take control of the program. Although attackers have adapted and invented new ways to attack, we’ve responded with memory safety defenses, mitigating the most common forms of attack, including and especially use-after-free (UAF) vulnerabilities.
Memory Garbage Collector (MemGC) mitigationMemGC replaces Memory Protector and helps to protect the browser from UAF vulnerabilities. MemGC frees up memory from the programmer and automating it. Only freeing memory when the automation detects no references left pointing to a given block of memory.
Control Flow GuardAttackers use memory corruption attacks to gain control of the CPU program counter to jump to any code location they want. Control Flow Guard, a Microsoft Visual Studio technology, compiles checks around code that performs indirect jumps based on a pointer. Those jumps get restricted to function entry points with known addresses only making attacker take-overs must more difficult constraining where an attack jumps.
All web content runs in an app container sandboxMicrosoft Edge takes the sandbox even farther, running its content processes in containers not just by default, but all of the time. Microsoft Edge doesn’t support 3rd party binary extensions, so there is no reason for it to run outside of the container, making Microsoft Edge more secure.
Extension model and HTML5 supportMicrosoft Edge does not support binary extensions because they can bring code and data into the browser’s processes without any protection. So if anything goes wrong, the entire browser itself can be compromised or go down. We encourage everyone to use our scripted HTML5-based extension model. For more info about the new extensions, see the Microsoft Edge Developer Center.
Reduced attack surfacesMicrosoft Edge does not support VBScript, JScript, VML, Browser Helper Objects, Toolbars, ActiveX controls, and document modes. Many IE browser vulnerabilities only appear in legacy document modes, so removing support reduced attack surface making the browser more secure.

It also means that it’s not as backward compatible. With this reduced backward compatibility, Microsoft Edge automatically falls back to Internet Explorer 11 for any apps that need backward compatibility. This fall back happens when you use the Enterprise Mode Site List.